Video and Deadlines.

Deadlines are no stranger to the world of video – same with other working environments. But they don’t need to be scary and, with the right planning, a project can proceed at a decent pace with enough time to work […]

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5 Reasons Your Business Needs a Video

We’ve said elsewhere on our blog that we believe every business can benefit from a video but not everyone is aware of the importance of having a video. As a corporate video production company, we’ve learnt a few things about […]

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Behind the Scenes (EPK) Videos

A behind the scenes video – also known as an EPK (Electronic Press Kit) used to be a magical insight into the production of a film didn’t it? I loved watching all of that stuff, still do. The more in-depth the better […]

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Video Production: A missed opportunity for some?

Here at Silvertip Films, we firmly believe that almost every single business, product, venue or individual can benefit from a corporate video production. In fact – here’s a challenge, present us a project that cannot be filmed and have a video […]

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Setting up a YouTube One Channel.

We have had our YouTube channel for some years now – if you haven’t seen it, head over to HERE to take a look and subscribe to us whilst your there. We’ll return the favour. Recently, YouTube implemented a new channel design called the One Channel. This revamps […]

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This year we decided to shoot a new short film and take a temporary return to our filmmaking roots. Before the music videos, TV broadcasts, RED cameras, international shoots, well-known names and all the brilliant people we have met and […]

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Top Tips for your Music Video shoot.

We’re a music video production company and we’ve shot a lot of music videos over the last seven years here at Silvertip Films and in that time, we’ve learnt a few things about how to make your shoot run smoothly […]

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Music Video Fight Club!

We shoot a lot of music videos here at Silvertip Films, it’s what the company was primarily founded on and chances are, you’re looking for a music video and that’s why you are looking at this blog post. For us […]

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Make yourself the star of your video!

If you run your own business, chances are you are the “face” of the business, despite how many staff you might have. Having a website is a great tool and, today, probably the single most useful way for you to […]

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Raise production values on your shoot.

Every video deserves to be the best it can be. A multitude of factors will be involved in this – starting with the crew shooting it but also the idea, locations, costume, cast but also things like lighting and additional […]

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