Assistant Director Elodie Davies
Elodie has been passionate about the Film Industry, ever since her family gifted her a fake Hollywood Star of Fame poster, they found on Etsy, as a child.
Her personal influences stem from her extensive appreciation for media; from A24 Thrillers and Classic Slasher films, to independent documentaries and comedy shorts. Her favourite films are Knives Out and Serendipity, but she will probably change her mind in a week!
While Studying Media Production and Film Studies at The College of Richard Collyer, Elodie contacted Geoff about possible work experience after a Lecture he gave at her college. In early 2023, she started a Work Experience Placement with Silvertip Films, coming along to shoots up in London and editing back in the office.
After graduating College in 2024, she began as a Production Assistant at Silvertip Films and quickly moved up to becoming Assistant Director.
Elodie is keen and ready to dive into the world of Film and Video Production, she loves using a camera to bring someone’s story and words to life on a screen and can’t wait to see what her future holds at Silvertip Films.