Goodbye 2020

Well. 2020. What a year eh? For a lot of reasons no one would ever have expected or wanted it to be one of those years remembered for!


We don’t need to go on about what happened, we’ve all lived it but what we want to say first off is…

We hope you and yours are well and that the year has seen you reach it’s end safely, happy and not crazy.

For us, the year started well and then the early part of the year with lockdown 1 was tough. A month of work disappeared virtually overnight and we didn’t know what was going to happen.

There was no financial aid in sight due to various things that led to us not being eligible but that did eventually change, thankfully.

Work did slowly pick up again through lockdown and we started to get back to our usual volume eventually after it finished.

We have been extremely grateful for the work we have had and for those who have chosen to work with us.

Whilst things weren’t great earlier in the year, we have been lucky and we know others in our world who haven’t fared as well and it frustrates and angers us that an industry like ours as well as live music and theatre, has largely been left un-helped and with many involved struggling.

It seems like video has become more important than ever since lockdown and became a vital part of every day life not just in Zoom meetings but as part of business promotions in a way that it never was before especially for businesses who didn’t use it at all previously.

This is an exciting time for the medium and those involved and we are looking forward to seeing how it develops, how we can help you utilize video and create video content which is vital to your business.

Onwards and upwards to 2021 and we hope we all have a better year than the one we are seeing out now.

Take care of yourself and we hope to see you in front of a camera very soon!

Posted in Blog.

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