Video Production Company West Sussex Content Creation Inspiration…
What is the IDEA FACTORY?

It’s a monthly feature we’re running which is designed to inspire ideas for the creation of video content in your business! They’ll be themed around monthly events which can be good opportunities to reach customers with time specific content.
One idea will be more “traditional” in style and the other will be more off the wall and out there.
If you want help making this content or just want us to make it for you, get in touch, we’re here to help.
Here’s a look at ideas for making Valentine’s Day themed videos…

Do you have products that fit into the mad rush in the final days/hours/minutes before the Valentine’s Day date deadline?
Idea basis: A revolving door concept with an actor/actress entering your storefront then leaving multiple times with a different gift in hand or perhaps a different date outfit. These will be scripted and cut to have seamless transitions between takes to heighten the revolving door concept. This idea allows you to showcase as many different items as possible in a short period of time using a relatively simple shooting
This idea also fits within current fashion based social media trends especially on TikTok and Instagram when influencers walk in and out of frame showing off various outfits.

Does your business not fit into the Valentines mould? It can be hard to take advantage of the Valentines marketing hype when the service/product you provide isn’t traditionally linked to February 14th!
Idea Basis: Opens with an anxious person getting ready for a date only to be revealed to be taking your product on a date! Having a customer taking your product on a romantic trip can create conversation online, whether it’s taking a laptop with your software on a scenic walk, a house sold sign for a romantic meal or even proposing to a driving instructor’s car!
Add a voice over explaining why your product still deserves to be loved this Valentine’s Day even if is a little bit different and help bring the message home!
Take advantage of the fact that your product isn’t associated with Valentine’s Day for a memorable comedic twist!
Have any of these ideas sparked a marketing idea for this February? Perhaps it’s a spin on the above or just reminded you of your own completely different idea that you wanted to implement!
Tag us on social on any videos you make, we’d love to see what you produce!
If we can help you with your video marketing this February or any month, feel free to get in touch!
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© 2022 Video Production Company West Sussex: Silvertip Films