Why and How to Licence Music for your Video.

Everyone loves music, right? So it’s most likely a given that you’ll decide at least some of the videos you hire a company to produce should have a soundtrack. Finding the right music to soundtrack your video, and then going […]

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How can Motion Graphics be used in your video?

CGI or computer generated imagery has been around for nearly 30 years now, but in more recent times computing power has given us access to its magical powers even in the lower budget video world. But how can your production […]

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February 18th 2014

We won! As you may know, our recent promo for Thomas Cook and the song “Amazing Kind of Wonderful” – currently used in their adverts – was head to head in competition with another, very different promo shot for the […]

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Corporate Video Production

Your video is meant to promote you – is it not worth investing in? We’ve shot a number of corporate video production works over the years and these have been for businesses, retailers, websites, service providers, events and more. The […]

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Video Length

Attention spans are short and people are busy. They might watch your video but unless they have a vested interest in you or your business, will they watch all of it? The clock is ticking…keep it short! The shorter the […]

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A look back at 2013

2013 was another successful year for us at Silvertip Films – we worked with a lot of great people, made a lot of videos we and our clients were happy with, tried new things and moved ourselves forward once again, […]

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January 9th 2014

We started off the year by releasing the promo we shot for Thomas Cook to accompany the song in their new 2014 adverts. “An Amazing Kind of Wonderful” was directed by Geoff Cockwill and Sacha Moore and shot at the Millennium Studios in Milton […]

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“An Amazing Kind of Wonderful”

As 2013 came to an end we were close to wrapping up and getting ready for Christmas but then an email came in from Thomas Cook – the holiday company – looking for a promo music video. Intriqued, we got […]

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Acting Showreels by Lianne Robertson

As actors during this digital era it’s all about self-marketing and getting yourself out there. Gone are the days you sign up with an agency, send out a few hard copies of your CV and mostly just wait for your […]

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video, marketing, services

Visual Communication

As the saying goes a single image can say a thousand words. What you show in a frame and how you show it says something and audiences respond to that on a conscious and sub conscious level. A striking image […]

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