Location, Location, Location!

When shooting a music video, the film location hire is extremely important. It’s where all the action will take place of course! It needs to be a space – or spaces – that work visually for you as an artist. […]

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Video Length

Attention spans are short and people are busy. They might watch your video but unless they have a vested interest in you or your business, will they watch all of it? The clock is ticking…keep it short! The shorter the […]

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A look back at 2013

2013 was another successful year for us at Silvertip Films – we worked with a lot of great people, made a lot of videos we and our clients were happy with, tried new things and moved ourselves forward once again, […]

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video, marketing, services

Visual Communication

As the saying goes a single image can say a thousand words. What you show in a frame and how you show it says something and audiences respond to that on a conscious and sub conscious level. A striking image […]

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Video Production: A missed opportunity for some?

Here at Silvertip Films, we firmly believe that almost every single business, product, venue or individual can benefit from a corporate video production. In fact – here’s a challenge, present us a project that cannot be filmed and have a video […]

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